(400) | Pressure effect studies on spin crossover systems |
P. Gütlich, V. Ksenofontov, A.B. Gaspar Coordination Chemistry Reviews; 249(17-18) (2005) 1811-1829 |
(401) | The LIESST state of [Fe(pic)3]Cl2·EtOH - the superstructure under continuous irradiation |
J. Kusz, D. Schollmeyer, H. Spiering, P. Gütlich Journal Of Applied Crystallography; 38 (2005) 528-536 |
(402) | Multifunctionality in spin crossover materials |
A.B. Gaspar, V. Ksenofontov, M. Seredyuk, P. Gütlich Coordination Chemistry Reviews; 249(17-18) (2005) 2661-2676 |
(403) | Crystal structure, magnetic properties, and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy of the two- dimensional coordination polymers [M(1,2-bis(1,2,4-triazol-4- yl)ethane)2(NCS)2] (MII=Fe, Co) |
Y. Garcia, G. Bravic, C. Gieck, D. Chasseau, W. Tremel, P. Gütlich Inorganic Chemistry;44 (26) (2005) 9723-9730 |
(404) | (Pr4N)4[Ag3Fe2(ECN)12]-anionic network structures with mutual interpenetration |
S. Gerber, H. Groger, J. Ensling, P. Gütlich, H. Krautscheid Angewandte Chemie-International Edition; 44(47) (2005) 7787-7790 |
(405) | Hysteresis in the spin transition regime of [Fe(NH2trz)3](NO3)2 as probed by ZF-µ SR |
V. Ksenofontov, Y. Garcia, S.J. Campbell, Y. Boland, J.S. Lord, P. Gütlich Physica B-Condensed Matter;374 (2006) 126-129 |
(406) | Metal-to-Metal Electron Transfer and Magnetic Ordering in a Prussian Blue Analogue |
A. Bhattacharjee, S. Saha, S. Koner, V. Ksenofontov, P. Gütlich Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials; 302(1) (2006) 173-180 |
(407) | A non-heme dinuclear iron(II) complex containing a single, unsupported hydroxo bridge |
J.P. Lopez, H. Kampf, M. Grunert, P. Gütlich, F. W. Heinemann, R. Prakash, A. Grohmann Chemical Communications; 16 (2006) 1718-1720 |
(408) | Mössbauer mineralogy of rock, soil, and dust at Gusev crater, Mars: Spirit's journey through weakly altered olivine basalt on the plains and pervasively altered basalt in the Columbia Hills |
R. V. Morris, G. Klingelhofer, C. Schroder, D. S. Rodionov, A. Yen, D. W. Ming, P. A. de Souza, I. Fleischer, T. Wdowiak, R. Gellert, B. Bernhardt, E. N. Evlanov, B. Zubkov, J. Foh, U. Bonnes, E. Kankeleit, P. Gütlich, F. Renz, S. W. Squyres, R. E. Arvidson Journal of geophysical research-planets; 111 (E2) 2006 E02S13 |
(409) | Decacyclene as complexation manifold: Synthesis, structure and properties of its Fe-2 and Fe-4 slipped triple-decker complexes |
J.J. Schneider, D. Spickermann, C. W. Lehmann, J. Magull, H. J. Kruger, J. Ensling, P. Gütlich Chemistry-A European Journal; 12 (5) (2006) 1427-1435 |
(410) | Verwey-type transition in EuNiP |
V. Ksenofontov, H.C. Kandpal, J. Ensling, M. Waldeck, D. Johrendt, A. Mewis, .P. Gütlich, C. Felser Europhysics Letters; 74 (4) (2006) 672-678 |
(411) | Room temperature operational thermochromic liquid crystals |
M. Seredyuk, A.B. Gaspar, V. Ksenofontov, S. Reiman, Y. Galyametdinov, W. Haase, E. Rentschler, P. Gütlich Chemistry of Materials; 18 (10) (2006) 2513-2519 |
(412) | The two-step spin conversion in a supramolecular triple helicate dinuclear iron(II) complex studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy |
Y. Garcia, M. C. Grunert, S. Reiman, O. van Campenhoudt, P. Gütlich European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry; (17) (2006) 3333-3339 |
(413) | Spin- and phase transition in the spin crossover complex [Fe(Ptz)6](BF4]2 studied by nuclear inelastic scattering of synchrotron radiation and by DFT calculations |
L.H. Böttger, A.I. Chumakov, M.C. Grunert, P. Gütlich, J. Kusz, H. Paulsen, U. Ponkratz , V. Rusanov, A. X. Trautwein, J. A. Wolny Chemical Physics Letters; 429 (1-3) (2006) 189-193 |
(414) | Vibrational spectrum of the spin crossover complex [Fe(phen)2(NCS)2] studied by IR and Raman spectroscopy, nuclear inelastic scattering and DFT calculations |
K. L. Ronayne, H. Paulsen, A. Höfer, A.C. Dennis, J. A. Wolny, A. I. Chumakov, V. Schunemann, H. Winkler, H. Spiering, A. Bousseksou, P. Gütlich A. Trautwein, J. J. McGarvey Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 8 (40) (2006) 4685-4693 |
(415) | X-ray powder diffraction and LIESST-effect of the spin transition material [Fe(bpp)2](NCS)2·2H2O |
A. Bhattacharjee, J. Kusz, V. Ksenofontov, K. H. Sugiyarto, H.A. Goodwin, P. Gütlich Chemical Physics Letters; 431 (1-3) (2006) 72-77 |
(416) | Multifunctional materials exhibiting spin crossover and liquid-crystalline properties - Interplay between spin crossover and liquid-crystal properties in iron(II) coordination complexes |
M. Seredyuk, A.B. Gaspar, V. Ksenofontov, S. Reiman, Y. Galyametdinov, W. Haase, E. Rentschler, P. Gütlich Hyperfine Interactions; 166 (1-4) (2005) 385-390 |
(417) | Mössbauer investigation of the photoexcited spin states and crystal structure analysis of the spin-crossover dinuclear complex [{Fe(bt)(NCS)(2))(2)bpym] (bt=2,2 '-bithiazoline, bpym=2,2 '-bipyrimidine) |
A. B. Gaspar, V. Ksenofontov, S. Reiman, P. Gütlich, A. L. Thompson, A. E. Goeta, M.C. Munoz, J. A. Real Chemistry - A European Journal; 12 (36) (2006) 9289-9298 |
(418) | Mössbauer mineralogy of rock, soil, and dust at Meridiani Planum, Mars: Opportunity's journey across sulfate-rich outcrop, basaltic sand and dust, and hematite lag deposits |
R.V. Morris, G. Klingelhofer, C. Schröder, D.S. Rodionov, A. Yen, D.W. Ming, P.A. de Souza, T. Wdowiak, I. Fleischer, R. Gellert, B. Bernhardt, U. Bonnes, B.A. Cohen, E.N. Evlanov, J. Foh, P. Gütlich, E. Kankeleit, T. McCoy, D.W. Mittlefehldt, F. Renz, M.E. Schmidt, B. Zubkov, S.W. Squyres, R.E. Arvidson Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets; 111 (E12) (2006) Art. No. E12S15 |
(419) | Pressure effect studies in molecular magnetism |
P. Gütlich, A. B. Gaspar, Y. Garcia, V. Ksenofontov Comptes Rendus Chimie; 10 (1-2) (2007) 21-36 |
(420) | 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy predicts superstructure for K0.08[CuII(N,N'app)Cl]2[FeIII(CN)6] ·0.92H3O·3H2O |
U. Mukhopadhyay, C.M. Grunert, J. Kusz, S. Reiman, P. Gütlich, I. Bernal Chemical Communications; 14 (2007) 1444-1446 |
(421) | Maghemite polymer nanocomposites with modulated magnetic properties |
A. Millan, F. Palacio, A. Falqui, E. Snoeck, V. Serin, A. Bhattacharjee, V. Ksenofontov, P. Gütlich, I. Gilbert Acta Materialia; 55 (6) (2007) 2201-2209 |
(422) | Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and magnetic study of a novel mu(2)-1,1-azido bridged dimeric copper(II) complex |
C. Adhikary, D. Mal, R. Sen, A. Bhattacharjee, P. Gütlich, S. Chaudhuri, S. Koner Polyhedron; 26 (8) (2007) 1658-1662 |
(423) | Photomagnetic properties of an iron(II) low-spin complex with an unusually long-lived metastable LIESST state |
J. S. Costa, C. Balde, C. Carbonera, D. Denux, A. Wattiaux, C. Desplanches, J.-P. Ader, P. Gütlich, J.-F. Letard Inorganic Chemistry; 46 (10) (2007) 4114-4119 |
(424) | Remarkable steric effects and influence of monodentate axial ligands L on the spin-crossover properties of trans-[Fe-II(N-4 ligand)L] complexes |
J. S. Costa, K. Lappalainen, G. de Ruiter, M. Quesada, J. K. Tang, I. Mutikainen, U. Turpeinen, C. M. Grunert, P. Gütlich, H. Z. Lazar, J.-F. Letard, P. Gamez, J. Reedijk Inorganic Chemistry; 46 (10) (2007) 4079-4089 |
(425) | Unusual spin transition behavior in 2,6-bis((pyrazol-3-yl)-pyridine) iron(II)-bis-oxalato-platinate(II) |
C. M. Grunert, H. A. Goodwin, C. Carbonera, J.-F. Letard, J. Kusz, P. Gütlich Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 111 (24) 6738-6747 |
(426) | Bis(3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazolyl)selenide - a new bidentate bent connector for preparation of 1D and 2D co-ordination polymers |
M. Seredyuk, M. M. Haukka, I. O. Fritsky, H. Kozlowski, R. Krämer, V. A. Pavlenko, P. Gütlich Dalton Transactions; (29) (2007) 3183-3194 |
(427) | Mössbauer spectroscopic study of low-temperature spin structure and magnetic interactions in {N(n-C5H11)4[ (MnFeIII)-FeII(C2O4)3]}(infinity) |
A. Bhattacharjee, P. Gütlich Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter; 19 (35) (2007) Art. No. 356201 |
(428) | Tetranuclear complexes of [Fe(CO)2(C5H5)]+ with TCNX ligands (TCNX = TCNE, TCNQ, TCNB): Intramolecular electron transfer alternatives in compounds (mu(4)-TCNX)[MLn]4 |
A. N. Maity, B. Schwederski, B. Sarkar, Z. Zalis, J. Fiedler, S. Kar, G. K. Lahiri, C. Duboc, M. Grunert, P. Gütlich, W. Kaim Inorganic Chemistry; 46 (18) (2007) 7312-7320 |
(429) | Dynamics and supramolecular organization of the 1D spin transition polymeric chain compound [Fe(NH2-trz)3](NO3)2. Muon spin relaxation Y. Garcia, S. J. Campbell, J. S. Lord, Y. Boland, V. Ksenofontov, P. Gütlich Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 111 (38) (2007) 11111-11119 |
(430) | Cooperative spin-crossover behaviour in polymeric 1D Fe-II coordination compounds: [{Fe(tba)3}X2]·nH2O M. Seredyuk, A. B. Gaspar, C. Munoz, M. Verdaguer, F. Villain, P. Gütlich European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry; (28) (2007) 4481-4491 |
(431) | Study of thermal spin crossover in [Fe(II)(isoxazole)6](BF4)2 with Mössbauer spectroscopy A. Bhattacharjee, P. J. van Koningsbruggen, W. Hibbs, Joel S. Miller, P. Gütlich Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter; 19 (40) (2007) Art. No. 406202 |
(432) | Variable-temperature X-ray crystal structure determinations of {Fe[tren(6-Mepy)3]}(ClO4)2 and {Zn[tren(6-Mepy)3]}(ClO4)2 compounds: correlation of the structural data with magnetic and Mössbauer spectroscopy data M. Seredyuk, A. B. Gaspar, J. Kusz, G. Bednarek, P. Gütlich Journal of Applied Crystallography; 40 (6) (2007) 1135-1145 |
(433) | Does the solid-liquid crystal phase transition provoke the spin-state change in spin-crossover metallomesogens? M. Seredyuk, A. B. Gaspar, V. Ksenofontov, Y. Galyametdinov, J. Kusz, P. Gütlich Journal of the American Chemical Society;130 (2008) 1431-1439 |
(434) | Mixed spin-state [HS-LS] pairs in a dinuclear spin-transition complex: Confirmation by variable-temperature 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy M. C. Grunert, S. Reiman, H. Spiering, J. A. Kitchen, S. Brooker, P. Gütlich Angewandte Chemie-International Edition; 47(16) (2008) 2997-2999 |
(435) | Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and magnetic study of a dicyanamido bridged 1D chain nickel(II) complex D. Mal, R. Sen, C. Adhikary, A. Bhattacharjee, P. Gütlich, Y. Miyashita, K. Okamoto, S. Koner Inorganica Chimica Acta; 361(1) (2008) 183-187. |
(436) | Rapid cooling experiments and use of an anionic nuclear probe to sense the spin transition of the 1D coordination polymers [Fe(NH2trz)3]SnF6â¢nH2O (NH2trz = 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole) Y. Garcia, V. Ksenofontov, S. Mentior, M. M. Dirtu, C. Gieck, A. Bhatthacharjee, P. Gütlich Chemistry-A European Journal; 14(12) (2008) 3745-3758. |
(437) | Iron(II) spin transition complexes with dendritic ligands, part I P. Sonar, C. M. Grunert, Y. L. Wei, J. Kusz, P. Gütlich, A. D. Schlüter European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry; 10 (2008) 1613-1622. |
(438) | Effect of metal dilution on the light-induced spin transition in [FexZn1-x(phen)2(NCS)2] (phen=1,10-phenanthroline) C. Balde, C. Desplanches, A. Wattiaux, P. Guionneau, P. Gütlich, J. F. Letard Dalton Transactions; 20 (2008) 2702-2707. |
(439) | Effect of pressure and light on the spin transition behavior of the dinuclear iron(II) compound [Fe(II)2(PMAT)2](BF4)4â¢DMF |
A. Bhattacharjee, V. Ksenofontov, J. A. Kitchen, N. G. White, S. Brooker, P. Gütlich Applied Physics Letters; 92(17) (2008) 174104. |
(440) | Oxo-vanadium(IV) dihydrogen phosphate: Preparation, magnetic study, and heterogeneous catalytic epoxidation |
R. Sen, R. Bera, A. Bhattacharjee, P. Gütlich, S. Ghosh, A. K. Mukherjee, S. Koner Langmuir; 24(11) (2008) 5970-5975. |
(441) | Magnetic properties and 61Ni Mössbauer spectroscopy of the ternary phosphide CrNiP |
Z. M. Stadnik, P. Wang, N. Jansen, D. Walcher, P. Gütlich, T. Kanomata Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter; 20(28) (2008) 285227. |
(442) | Magnetization and 61Ni Mössbauer effect study of the ternary arsenide CrNiAs |
Z. M. Stadnik, P. Wang, N. Jansen, D. Walcher, P. Gütlich, T. Kanomata Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter; 20(32) (2008) 325230. |
(443) | Spin-crossover nanocrystals with magnetic, optical, and structural bistability near room temperature |
I. Boldog, A. B. Gaspar, V. Martinez, P. Pardo-Ibanez, V. Ksenofontov, A. Bhattacharjee, P. Gütlich, J. A. Real Angewandte Chemie-International Edition; 47(34) (2008) 6433-6437. |
(444) | Muon spin relaxation studies of iron(II) spin crossover complexes |
Y. Garcia, S. J. Campbell, J. S. Lord, P. Gütlich Inorganica Chimica Acta; 361(12-13) (2008) 3577-3585. |
(445) | Effect of the metal dilution on the thermal and light-induced spin transition in [FexMn1-x(bpp)2](NCSe)2: When T(LIESST) reaches T1/2 |
C. Balde, C. Desplanches, P. Gütlich, E. Freysz, J. F. Letard Inorganica Chimica Acta; 361(12-13) (2008) 3529-3533. |
(446) | Synchrotron powder-diffraction study of the spin transition compound [Fe(bpp)2](NCS)2·2H2O and soft X-ray-induced structural phase conversion |
A. Bhattacharjee, J. Kusz, M. Zubko, H. A. Goodwin, P. Gütlich Journal of Molecular Structure; 890(1-3)(2008), 178-183. |
(447) | Mössbauer spectroscopic study of the thermal spin crossover in [FeII(isoxazole)6](ClO4)2 |
A. Bhattacharjee, P. J. van Koningsbruggen, J. S. Miller, P. Gütlich Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids; 69(11)(2008), 2713-2718. |
(448) | Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of the spin crossover system [Fe(pq)3]2+ |
I. S. Jahro, D. Onggo, Ismunandar, S. I. Rahayu, M. C. Munoz, A. B. Gaspar, M. Seredyuk, P. Gütlich, J. A. Real Inorganica Chimica Acta; 361(14-15)(2008), 4047-4054. | |
(449) | Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and magnetic study of a mu(1,5)-dca bridged ferromagnetic dimeric copper(II) complex |
D. Mal, R. Sen, C. Adhikary, Y. Miyashita, K. I. Okamoto, A. Bhattacharjee, P. Gütlich, S. Koner Journal of Coordination Chemistry; 61(21)(2008), 3486-3492. |
(450) | One-dimensional iron(II) compounds exhibiting spin crossover and liquid crystalline properties in the room temperature region |
M. Seredyuk, A. B. Gaspar, V. Ksenofontov, Y. Galyametdinov, M. Verdaguer, F. Villain, P. Gütlich Inorganic Chemistry; 47(22)(2008), 10232-10245 |
(451) | Influence of Metal Dilution on the Light-Induced Spin Transition in Two 1D Chain Compounds: [FexZn1-x(btzp)3](BF4)2 and [FexZn1-x(endi)3](BF4)2 {btzp=1,2-Bis(tetrazol-1-yl)propane and endi=1,2-Bis(tetrazol-1-yl)ethane} |
Gütlich, P.;. Rummel, H.; Spiering, H. J. Physique Coll. 1980, C1 41, 185 |
(452) | Pressure-induced hysteresis in the high spin â low spin transition in bis(2,4-bis(pyridin-2-yl)thiazole) iron(II) tetrafluoroborate |
A. Bhattacharjee, V. Ksenofontov, H. A. Goodwin, P. Gütlich |
(453) | Spin crossover in iron(II) complexes: Recent advances |
A. B. Gaspar, M. Seredyuk, P. Gütlich |
(454) | Thermal- and Light-Induced Spin Crossover in Novel 2D Fe(II) Metalorganic Frameworks {Fe(4-PhPy)2[MII(CN)x]y}.sH2O: Spectroscopic, Structural, and Magnetic Studies |
M. Seredyuk, A. B. Gaspar, V. Ksenofontov, M. Verdaguer, F. Villain, P. Gütlich Inorganic Chemistry; 48(13) (2009) 6130-6141. |