Scientific Background
1941-46 | Elementary School in Rüsselsheim and Karben (Germany) | |
1946-55 | High school (Gymnasium) in Rüsselsheim | |
1955-61 | Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (Inorganic, Organic, Analytical, Technical and Physical Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics) Diplom-Ingenieur "Mit Auszeichnung" Master's thesis in Physical Inorganic Chemistry Academic Prize of Technical University of Darmstadt for best thesis |
1961-63 | Ph.D. thesis "Surface Investigations Using the BET-Method and Heterogeneous Isotope Exchange on Barium Sulfate", Ph.D."Mit Auszeichnung" | |
1964 | Postdoctoral research stay at "Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires à Saclay in France (Paris), 6 months | |
1964-65 | Postdoctoral research stay in Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA), work on Mössbauer spectroscopy of transition metal compounds | |
1966 | Return to Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, research work towards "Habilitation" ("Applications of Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry") | |
1966-70 | Participation in Theoretical Chemistry Schools: C.A. Coulson (Oxford), P.O. Löwdin (Uppsala), H. Hartmann (Frankfurt) | |
1969 | Habilitation in Inorganic Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry | |
1972 | Professor of Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry at Technische Hochschule Darmstadt | |
1974 | 2 offers for Full-Professorships
1975 | Professorship at Mainz University accepted | |
1989-1991 | Dean of the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University Mainz | |
1996-2001 | Director of the Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University Mainz | |
April 2001 | Professor Emeritus |
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
- Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Metallkunde (until 2001)
- Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
- American Chemical Society (for ca. 30 years, until 2001)
- Chemical Society of London (for ca. 30 years, until 2001)
- University of Geneva and Bern in Switzerland (1985)
- University of Lima/Peru (for UNESCO, 1985)
- Tamkang University Taipei (1986)
- University of Louvain-la-Neuve/ Belgium (1991)
- University of Fribourg/Switzerland (1994)
- Ochanomizu University Tokyo (1994)
- Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (1997)
- Vienna University of Technology (1998)
- Toho University Tokyo (2007)
Awards and Honors
1961: Academic Prize of Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
1964: Fellowship of German Gouvernment for research stay in France
1965: Fellowship of Volkswagen-Foundation for research stay in USA
1989: Research Award of Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science
1993: Max Planck Research Award
2002: Honorary Member of the Internat. Board on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect
2002: Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science
2003: Honorary Doctor and Professor of the University of Budapest
2007: Member of Academia Europaea
2007: Honorary Doctor of Toho-University Tokyo
Teaching Experience
Physical Methods in (Inorganic) Chemistry
Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry
- Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
- Electrons in Atoms and Molecules
- Ligand Field Theory
- Molecular Orbital Theory
- Group Theory
Coordination Chemistry
Research fields
Electronic structure (static and dynamic) of transition metal compounds
- Bond and valence state properties
- Molecular structure
- Spin crossover (thermally, optically and pressure-induced)
- Magnetic properties
- Photochemical and photophysical phenomena
- Phase transformations
- Kinetic and thermodynamic properties
- Chemical and physical aftereffects of nuclear transformation
Surface physics and chemistry
- Thin metallic layers by Langmuir-Blodgett technique
- Corrosion
- Structure and reactivity on glass surfaces
Industrial applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy
- Magnetic and optical recording material
- Battery material
- Glasses
- Corrosion
Research equipment
- ca. 8 Mössbauer spectrometers for transmission, scattering, CEMS, DECEMS, time-integral and time-differential measurements, also under pressure or in applied magnetic field and variable temperature (â¥2K)
- 2 Magnetometers (Foner, SQUID) for 350 â¥T â¥2 K
- ESCA-spectrometer
- AUGER-spectrometer
- UV/Vis spectrometer, also for single crystals in the range 300 â¥T ï³ 5 K
- Raman spectrometer, T-dependent in the range 1500 ⥠T ⥠4 K
- FT-FIR spectrometer, T-dependent in the range 300 ⥠T ⥠4K
- Single crystal X-ray diffractometer, T-dependent 300 ⥠T ⥠10 K, CCD
- ca. 460 original papers
- 1 book ("Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Transition Metal Chemistry")
- Chapters in ca. 15 books
- Editor (together with N. Sutin, USA) of "Comments on Inorganic Chemistry", which was launched in 1981)
- Editor of proceedings of 5 Seeheim Workshops on Mössbauer Spectroscopy
- Editor (with H.A. Goodwin) of the series of ”Spin Crossover Transition Metal Compounds, 3 volumes (Nr. 233, 234, 235) in Topics in Current Chemistry (Springer), 2004
- Book ”Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Transition Metal Chemistryâ, Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2010
Seminars and Presentations
- More than 300 Invited Talks/Plenary Lectures
- Ca. 500 contributions to conferences (oral and posters)