(100) | Korrosion - Nicht nur ein technisches Problem |
Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P. Forschungsmagazin der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Sonderausgabe April 1986, 76 |
(101) | The Influence of the Lattice on the Spin Transition in Solids. Investigations of the HS (5T2g) <-> LS (1A1g) Transition in mixed Crystals of [FexM1-x(2-pic)3]Cl2 * MeOH |
Adler, P.; Wiehl, L.; Meissner, E.; Köhler, C.P.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 1987, 48 /6, 517 . |
(102) | Structure Determination and Investigation of the High Spin <-> Low Spin Transition of [Fe(2-pic)3]Br2 * EtOH |
Wiehl, L.; Kiel, G.; Köhler, C.P.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. Inorg. Chem. 1986, 25, 1565 |
(103) | High Spin <-> Low Spin Relaxation in Light Induced Excited Spin State Trapping in the [Fe(ptz)6(BF4)2] and Zn1-xFex(ptz)6(BF4)2 Spin Crossover Systems |
Hauser, A.; Gütlich, P.; Spiering, H. Inorg. Chem. 1986, 25 /23, 4245 |
(104) | Mössbauer and Magnetic Studies of Mixed-Valence Linear Chain Compounds: Na3Fe2S4 and Na3Fe2Se4 |
Ensling, J.; Gütlich, P.; Spiering, H. Hyperfine Interactions 1986, 28, 599 |
(105) | Anomalous Pressure Dependence of the Lamb-Mössbauer Factor in a Spin Crossover System |
Meissner, E.; Köppen, H.; Köhler, C.P.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1986, 28, 799 |
(106) | A Time-Differential Mössbauer Emission Spectrometer with High Efficiency and High Time Resolution |
Kajcsos, Zs.; Alflen, M.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P.; Albrecht, R.; Schulze, R.; Kurz, R. Hyperfine Interactions 1986, 29, 1551 |
(107) | Anodic Layers Formed on Steel in Phosphate Buffer Solution |
Stumm, U.; Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1986, 28, 923 |
(108) | Anomalous Pressure Dependence of the Lamb-Mössbauer Æ-Factor in the Spin Crossover System [Fe(2-pic ND2)3]Cl2 * EtOD |
Meissner, E.; Köppen, H.; Köhler, C.P.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1987, 36, 1 |
(109) | High Spin <-> Low Spin Transition Studied by Positron Annihilation |
Kajcsos, Zs.; Vertes, A.; Szeles, Cs.; Burger, K.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P.; Abbe, J.Ch., Haessler, A.; Brauer, G.; Köhler, C.P. Positron Annihilation 1985, 195, ed. Jain, P.C.; Singru, R.M.; Gopinathan, K.P.; World Scientific Publ. Co., Singapore |
(110) | Light-Induced Excited Spin State Trapping (LIESST) in [Fe(2-Y-phen)3]X2 Spin Crossover Compounds |
Poganiuch, P.; Gütlich, P. Inorg. Chem. 1987, 26, 455 |
(111) | The Influence of Water and of Alkali Promotor on the Carbon Number Distribution of Fischer-Tropsch Products Formed over Iron Catalysts |
König, L.; Gaube, J.; Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P.; Gerhard, W.; Plog, C. Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 1987, 91, 116 |
(112) | Zerstörungsfreie Phasenanalyse dünner Oberflächenschichten mittels Konversionselektronen |
Meisel, W.; Stumm, U.; Gütlich, P. Angew. Oberflächen-Analytik 1987, 7, 329/395 (Kaiserslautern) |
(113) | Nickel Contributions to the Magnetism of Fe-Ni-Zr Metallic Glasses |
Stadnik, Z.M.; Griesbach, P.; Dehe, G.; Gütlich, P.; Miyazaki, T. Phys. Rev. B 1987, 35 /1, 430 |
(114) | Nickel Contribution to the Magnetism of the Ni-Fe-V Alloy |
Stadnik, Z.M.; Griesbach, P.; Dehe, G.; Gütlich, P.; Maniawski, F. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 1987, 70, 436 |
(115) | 61Ni Mössbauer Study of Hyperfine Magnetic Field Near Ni-Surface |
Stadnik, Z.M.; Griesbach, P.; Gütlich, P.; Kohara, T.; Stroink, G. Phys. Rev. B 1987, 35 /13, 6588 |
(116) | A New Spectrometer for Time-Differential Mössbauer Emission Spectroscopy (TDMES) |
Albrecht, R.; Alflen, M.; Gütlich, P.; Kajcsos, Zs.; Schulze, R.; Spiering, H.; Tuczek, F. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 1987, 257, 209 |
(117) | Ni participation in the magnetism of Fe-Ni-Si-B amorphous alloys |
Stadnik, Z.M.; Griesbach, P.; Dehe, G.; Gütlich, P.; Stroink, G.; Miyazaki, T. Phys. Rev. B 1987, 35 /16, 8740 |
(118) | 57Fe, 61Ni, and 121Sb Mössbauer Study of Oxidic Spinel Ferrites CoxNi5/3-xFeSb1/3O4 |
Dehe, G.; Griesbach, P.; Gütlich, P.; Suwalski, J. Appl. Phys. A 1987, 43, 213 |
(119) | Spin Crossover Cobalt(III) Complexes: Steric and Electronic Control of Spin State |
Kläui, W.; Eberspach, W.; Gütlich, P. Inorg. Chem. 1987, 26, 3977 |
(120) | Investigation of the 1A1 <-> 5T2 Intersystem Crossing Dynamics of an Iron(II) Spin Crossover Complex in the Solid State by Mössbauer Spectroscopy |
Adler, P.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. Inorg. Chem. 1987, 26, 3840 |
(121) | Exchange-Coupled Fe-X-Fe Model Compounds for Certain Iron Proteins |
Adler, J.; Ensling, J.; Gütlich, P.; Bominaar, E.; Guillin, J.; Trautwein, A. Hyperfine Interactions 1988, 42, 869 |
(122) | Thermoanalytic Investigations on Mixed Crystals of the Spin Crossover System [FexZn1-x(2-pic-ND2)3]Cl2 * EtOD |
Jakobi, R.; Spiering, H.; Wiehl, L.; Gmelin, E.; Gütlich, P. Inorg. Chem. 1988, 27, 1823 |
(123) | Discontinuous High Spin <-> Low Spin Transition in an Iron(II) Complex [FeB2(NCS)2] with the Pharmaceutical Agent Bromazepam as Ligands |
Adler, P.; Gütlich, P.; Real, J.A.; Borras, J. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1988, 1999 |
(124) | Light-Induced Excited Spin State Trapping in Iron(II) Complexes |
Decurtins, S.; Gütlich, P.; Hauser, A.; Spiering, H. Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds 1987, 9, ed. Yersin, H.; Vogler, A.; Springer-Verlag |
(125) | Investigations on the Photoelectron Conversion Efficiency of NaJ(Tl) Counters |
Alflen, M.; Kajcsos, Zs.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P.; Albrecht, R.; Schulze, R.; Vilhyalmsson, H. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 1988, 265, 464 |
(126) | Light-Induced Formation of Metastable High Spin States in [Fe(mtz)6](ClO4)2 |
Poganiuch, P.; Gütlich; P. Hyperfine Interactions 1988, 40, 331 |
(127) | Mössbauer Effect Study of the Temperature and Pressure Dependence of the Singlet-Quintet Intersystem Crossing Dynamics in an Iron(II) Spin Crossover Complex |
Adler, P.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1988, 42, 1035 |
(128) | Direkte Berechnung des Deformationstensors für displazive Phasenumwandlungen aus der Aufspaltung von Röntgenreflexen |
Wiehl, L.; Gütlich, P. Z. Kristallogr. 215 |
(129) | 61Ni Mössbauer Study of the Surface Hyperfine Magnetic Field in Nickel |
Stadnik, Z.M.; Griesbach, P.; Gütlich, P.; Stroink, G.; Kohara, T. Hyperfine Interactions 1988, 41, 705 |
(130) | The Phase Composition of the Passive Layer on Iron |
Meisel, W.; Stumm, U.; Gütlich, P. Surface and Interface Analysis 1988, 12/1-12, 430 |
(131) | Ni Magnetic Moment in Fe-Rich Fe-Ni-Zr Metallic Glasses |
Stadnik, Z.M.; Griesbach, P.; Dehe, G.; Gütlich, P.; Miyazaki, T. Proc. Int. Symp. Physics of Magnetic Materials, Sendai, Japan 1987, 370, ed. Takahashi, Maekawa, Gondo, Nosé, World Scientific, Singapore-New Jersey-Hongkong |
(132) | Surface Hyperfine Magnetic Field in Nickel |
Stadnik, Z.M.; Griesbach, P.; Dehe, G.; Gütlich, P.; Kohara, T.; Stroink, G. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 1987, 70, 439 |
(133) | Nickel Magnetic Moment in (Ni1-xFex)77Si10B13 Glasses |
Stadnik, Z.M.; Griesbach, P.; Dehe, G.; Gütlich, P.; Stroink, G.; Miyazaki, T. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 1987, Vol. Mag-23/5, 2560 |
(133) | Third Seeheim Workshop on Mössbauer Spectroscopy |
Gütlich, P.; Spiering, H. (eds.) Hyperfine Interactions 1989, 47, 3-31 |
(134) | Influence of Fe-Substitution on the High-Tc Superconductivity |
Jing, J.; Bieg, J.; Engelmann, H.; Hsia, Y.; Gonser, U.; Gütlich, P.; Jakobi, R. Solid State Communications 1988, 66 /7, 727 |
(135) | Spin Transition in Iron Complexes Induced by Heat, Pressure, Light, and Nuclear Decay |
Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1988, 40, 75 |
(136) | A CEMS-Study of the Passive Layer on Iron and Steel |
Meisel, W.; Stumm, U.; Thilmann, C.; Gancedo, R.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1988, 41, 669 |
(137) | Light-Induced Excited Spin State Trapping (LIESST) in [Fe(2-mephen)3]2+ Embedded in Polymer Matrices |
Hauser, A.; Adler, J.; Gütlich, P. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1988, 152 /6, 468 |
(138) | Thermal and Light-Induced Spincrossover in Iron(II) Complexes - New Perspectives in Optical Storage |
Gütlich, P.; Hauser, A. Pure & Appl. Chem. 1989, 61/5, 849 |
(139) | Structure and Superconducting Properties of YBa2(Cu1-xFex)3O7 |
Bieg, J.; Jing, J.; Engelmann, H.; Hsia, Y.; Gonser, U.; Gütlich, P.; Jakobi, R. Physica C 1988, 153-155, 925 |
(140) | Dynamics of Spin State Conversion Processes in the Solid State |
Adler, P.; Hauser, A.; Vef, A.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1989, 47, 343 |
(141) | Quadrupole Splitting of Fe(II) Spin Crossover Compounds. Study of Temperature and Pressure Dependence and the Implication for the Interaction Mechanism |
Köppen, H.; Meissner, E.; Wiehl, L.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1989, 52, 29 |
(142) | Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Spin State Conversion Processes Studied by Pressure Dependent Mössbauer Spectroscopy |
Adler, P.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. J. Phys- Chem. Solids 1989, 50/6, 587 |
(143) | Mössbauer Relaxation Spectra of Arbitrarily Ordered Absorbers - Lineshape Analysis for an Iron(II) Spincrossover Complex in the Presence of Texture - |
Adler, P.; Poganiuch, P.; Spiering, H. Hyperfine Interactions 1989, 52, 47 |
(144) | Time-Differential Mössbauer Emission Spectroscopy: Development of a New Spectometer and First Results |
Alflen, M.; Hennen, C.; Tuczek, F.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P.; Kajcsos, Zs. Hyperfine Interactions 1989, 47, 115 |
(145) | Alkyl- und Alkylidin-Komplexe des Rheniums |
Felixberger, J.K.; Kiprof, P.; Herdtweck, E.; Herrmann, W.A.; Jakobi, R.; Gütlich, P. Angew. Chem. 1989, 28/3, 334 |
(146) | Thermisch und optisch schaltbare Komplexmoleküle |
Gütlich, P.; Hauser, A. Forschungsmagazin der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Sonderausgabe April 1989, 21 |
(147) | Nature of the Phase Transition in Spin Crossover Compounds |
Köhler, C.P.; Jakobi, R.; Meissner, E.; Wiehl, L.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. | |
J.Phys.Chem. Solids 1990, 51/3, 239 | |
(148) | A CEMS/AES Study of the Passivation of Iron |
Meisel, W.; Stumm U.; Gütlich, P. Fresenius Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie 1989, 333, 555 |
(149) | Thermal- and Light-Induced Spin Transition in [Fe(mtz)6](BF4)2: First Successful Formation of a Metastable Low-Spin State by Irradiation with Light at Low Temperatures |
Poganiuch, P.; Decurtins, S.; Gütlich, P. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1990, 112, 3270 |
(150) | Thermal and Light-Induced Spin Crossover in Iron(II) Complexes |
Gütlich, P.; Hauser, A. | |
Coord. Chem. Rev. 1990, 97, 1 | |
(151) | The Passivation of Steel in Sodium Sulphate Solution Studied by CEMS and AES |
Stumm, U.; Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 57, 2115 |
(152) | ICEMS and DCEMS Study of Fe Layers Evaporated onto Al and Si |
Kajcsos, Zs.; Meisel, W.; Kuzmann, E.; Tosello, C.; Gratton, M.L.; Vertes, A.; Gütlich, P.; Nagy, D.L. Hyperfine Interactions |
(153) | Quantitative Determination of Fayalite Layers on Iron by CEMS |
Meisel, W.; Griesbach, P.; Grabke, H.J.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 57, 2001 |
(154) | Calculation of the Lattice Deformation at the Phase Transition of [Fe(ptz)6](BF4)2 from Temperature Dependent Powder Diffraction Patterns |
Wiehl, L.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P.; Knorr, K. J. Appl. Cryst. 1990, 23, 151 |
(155) | Conversion Electron Mössbauer Study of Vacuum and Thermally Treated Vivianite |
Hanzel, D.; Meisel, W.; Hanzel, Darko; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 57, 2201 |
(156) | Metastable Electronic Populations and Relaxation of Fe(I), Fe(II), and Fe(III) in MgO Observed by Mössbauer Emission Spectroscopy |
Tuczek, F.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. Physical Review B 1990, 41/16, 10 933-10 946 |
(157) | Advances in Mössbauer Emission Spectroscopy |
Spiering, H.; Alflen, M.; Gütlich, P.; Hauser, A.; Hennen, C.; Manthe, U.; Tuczek, F. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 53, 113 |
(158) | Zn2(Zn1-xFex)FeIII(PO4)3.2H2O: Darstellung, Kristallstruktur und |
Mößbauer-Untersuchung | |
Schmidt, R.; Eisenmann, B.; Kniep, R.; Ensling, J.; Gütlich, P. | |
Z. Naturforsch. 1990, 45b, 1255 | |
(159) | Study of Ti and TiN PVD Coated Steel Surfaces by Conversion Electron |
Mössbauer Spectroscopy | |
Hanzel, Darko; Meisel, W.; Navinsek, B.; Panjan, P.; Hanzel, D.; Gütlich, P. Scienza e tecnologia Vuoto Vol. XX 1990, N.2-Aprile-Giugno, 358 Proceedings of: 2nd European Vacuum Conference (EVC-2) |
(160) | Mössbauer Effect Study of the Oxidation of Vivianite |
Hanzel, D.; Meisel, W.; Hanzel, Darko; Gütlich, P. Solid State Commun. 1990, 76/3, 307 |
(161) | Study of the Cl- Induced Breakdown of the Passive Layer on Steel |
Marco, J.F.; Gancedo, J.R.; Meisel, W.; Griesbach, P.; Gütlich, P. Corrosion, The Journal of Science and Engineering 1991, 47(7), 498 |
(162) | TaFe1.14Te3, A New Low-Dimensional Ternary Tantalum Telluride |
Neuhausen, J.; Potthoff, E.; Tremel, W.; Ensling, J.; Gütlich, P.; Kremer, R.K. Z. Naturforsch. 1993, 48b, 797 |
(163) | Mößbauer-Spektroskopie in: Spektroskopie amorpher und kristalliner Festkörper |
Gütlich, P.; Ensling, J. ed. Haarer, D.; Spiess, H.W., Steinkopff-Verlag 1995, S. 239 |
(164) | AES and ICEMS Analysis of the Formation of Layers on Si Steel under Thermal Treatment in a Flux of H2/Water Vapour |
Ternes, T.; Meisel, W.; Griesbach, P.; Hanzel, D.; Gütlich, P. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 1991, 341, 79 |
(165) | CEMS/XPS Study of Iron Stearate Langmuir-Blodgett Layers |
Meisel, W.; Tippmann-Krayer, P.; Möhwald, H.; Gütlich, P. Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 1991, 341, 289 |
(166) | XPS Study of Leached Glass Surfaces |
Sprenger, D.; Bach, H.; Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 1990, 126, 111 |
(167) | Mössbauer Emission Spectroscopy of Mixed-Valency after Nuclear Decay in Iron Complexes |
Alflen, M.; Hennen, C.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. Proceedings NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Mixed Valency, Kreta, Juni 1990 |
(168) | New Time-Differential Mössbauer Emission Measurements on the High Spin-Low Spin Relaxation in [57Co/Co(phen)3] (ClO4)2 |
Hennen, C.; Alflen, M.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 56, 1527 |
(169) | The State of Iron in Andalusite |
Meisel, W.; Schnellrath, J.; Griesbach, P.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 57, 2261 |
(170) | Mössbauer Emission Spectroscopy of Metastable Electronic States |
Tuczek, F.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1990, 62, 109 |
(171) | Thermischer und lichtinduzierter Spinübergang in [Fe(mtz)6](CF3SO3)2 - ein zweites Beispiel für LIESST(H_L) |
Gütlich, P.; Poganiuch, P. Angew. Chem. 1991, 103, Nr. 8, 1015 |
Thermal and Light-Induced Spin Crossover to a Metastable Low-Spin State in [Fe(mtz)6](CF3SO3)2 | |
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 1991, 30, No. 8, 975 | |
(172) | Thermodynamics of the Spin Transition in [FexZn1-x(2-pic)3]Cl2.EtOH |
Jakobi, R.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. J. Phys. Chem. Sol. 1992, 53(2), 267 |
(173) | Electrochemical and Conversion Electron Mössbauer Studies of Low Carbon Steel Polarized in Aqueous Sulfate Solution Containing Sulfite in Low Concentration |
Lakatos-Varsányi, M.; Vértes, Cs; Vértes, A.; Kiss,L.; Meisel, W.; Griesbach, P.; Gütlich, P. J. Electrochem. Soc. 1992, 139 (5), 1301 |
(174) | Conversion Electron Mössbauer Study of Low Carbon Steel Polarized in Aqueous Sulfate Solution Containing Sulfite in Low Cencentration |
Vértes, Cs.; Lakatos-Varsányi, M.; Vértes, A.; Kuzmann, E.; Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P. submitted for ICAME 91 |
(175) | Positron Annihilation Study of Spin-Crossover in [Fe(ptz)6](BF4)2 Single Crystals |
Vértes, A.; Süvegh, K.; Gütlich, P. submitted for ICPA 91 |
(176) | Neue Nickel(IV) und Eisen(IV)-Verbindung im Pyroaurittyp |
Glemser, O.; Freire-Erdbrügger, C.; Buß, D.H.; Gütlich, P.; Ensling, J. Angew. Chem. |
(177) | Mikrokalorimetrie an den Spinübergangssystemen [Fe(bts)2(NCS)2] und [Fe(2-pic)3]Cl2.EtOH im Bereich 15 K < T < 300 K |
Jakobi, R.; Romstedt, H.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. Angew. Chem. 1992, 104, 214 |
Microcalorimetry of the Spin-Transition Systems [Fe(bts)2(NCS)2] and [Fe(2-pic)3]Cl2.EtoH in the Range 15 K < T < 300 K | |
Jakobi, R.; Romstedt, H.; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 1992, 31(2), 178 |
(178) | Discrete Bond Model (DBM) of Sodium Silicate Glasses Derived from XPS, Raman and NMR Measurements |
Sprenger, D.; Bach, H.; Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P. J. Non-Crystalline Solids 1993, 159, 187 |
(179) | Optimization of a Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy Gas Flow He/CH4 Proportional Counter |
Hanzel, Darko; Griesbach, P.; Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions |
(180) | Study of Fe-Ti and Fe-TiN Interfaces by Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy |
Hanzel, Darko; Meisel, W.; Hanzel, D.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1991, 69, 807 |
(181) | Discrete Bond Model (DBM) of Binary Silicate Glasses Derived From 29Si-NMR, Raman, and XPS Measurements |
Sprenger, D.; Bach, H.; Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P. in "The Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids", 42, eds. Pye, L.D.; La Course, W.C; Stevens, H.J.; Taylor and Francis, London, 1992 |
(182) | Spincrossover und LIESST: Thermisch und optisch schaltbare Eisen(II)-Komplexverbindungen |
Gütlich, P.; Hauser, A.; Spiering, H. Angew. Chem. 1994, 106, 2109 |
(182a) | Thermal and Optical Switching of Iron(II) Complexes |
Gütlich, P.; Hauser, A.; Spiering, H. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 1994, 33, 2024 |
(183) | Quantitative XPS Analysis of Leached Layers on Optical Glasses |
Sprenger, D.; Bach, H.; Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P. | |
(184) | A Mössbauer Spectroscopic Study of Salt Lake Sediments from Qaidam Basin |
Qi, Y.; Xu, Ch.; Ensling, J.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1992, 70, 1021 |
(185) | Layer Formation on Silicon Steel by Processing in H2/H2O at Elevated Temperatures |
Griesbach, P.; Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1991, 69, 811 |
(186) | Formation, Phase Composition, and Transformations of Langmuir-Blodgett Multi- and Monolayers Containing Fe |
Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P. | |
Hyperfine Interactions 1991, 69, 815 | |
(187) | Mössbauer Study on the Distribution of Iron in High Coercivity Chromium |
Dioxide Particles | |
Ensling, J.; Gütlich, P.; Klinger, R.; Meisel, W.; Jachow, H.; Schwab, E. Intermag 1992, Paper DR-01 |
(188) | Problems of Electron Detection in Depth-Selective Conversion Electron |
Mössbauer Spectroscopy | |
Kajcsos, Zs.; Meisel, W.; Griesbach, P.; Gütlich, P.; Ligtenberg, M.A.C.; Gradmann, U.; Lehrberger, E.; Przybylski, M. Hyperfine Interactions 1992 71, 1483 |
(189) | Mößbauer-Spektroskopie und Elektronenstrukturberechnungen an Nitridoferraten(III): Li3[FeN2] und Ba3[FeN3] |
Jansen, N; Spiering, H.; Gütlich, P.; Stahl, D.; Kniep, R.; Eyert, V.; Kübler, J.; Schmidt, P.C. Angew. Chem. 1992, 104, 1632 |
Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Electronic Structure Calculations of the Nitridoferrates(III):Li3[FeN2] and Ba3[FeN3] | |
Angew. Chem. Int.Ed.Engl. 1992, 31, 1624 | |
(190) | High-Performance Mössbauer Spectroscopy: Criteria, Possibilities, Limitations |
Kajcsos, Zs.; Sauer, Ch.; Zinn, W.; Meisel, W.; Spiering, H.; Alflen, M.; Gütlich, P. Hyperfine Interactions 1992, 71, 1469 |
(191) | Thermal and Optical Switching of Bistable Iron Compounds and Possible Applications |
Gütlich, P. ISIAME '92, Otsu/Japan, August 24-27, 1992, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 1993, B76, 387 |
(192) | Study of the Phase Composition of Iron-Containing Langmuir-Blodgett Layers Before and After Thermal and Chemical Treatment |
Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P. Surface and Interface Analysis 1992, 19, 450 |
(193) | Metastable Electronic States Induced by Nuclear Decay and Light |
Gütlich, P.; Ensling, J.; Tuczek, F. Hyperfine Interactions 1994, 84, 447 |
(194) | Magnetische Struktur und Kationenverteilung in substituierten Bariumhexaferriten |
Melzer, K.; Stumm, U.; Wartewig, P.; Gütlich, P.; Michalk, C. Berichtsband BMFT-Tagung, Saarbrücken 1992 |
(195) | Lamb-Mössbauer Factor in the Spin Crossover Compound Fe(tpa)(NCS)2 |
Yu, Z.; Schmitt, G.; Hofmann, S.; Spiering, H.; Hsia, Y.F.; Gütlich, P. | |
Hyperfine Interactions 1994, 93, 1459-1463 | |
(196) | Synthesis, Crystal Structures, Mössbauer, Susceptibility, and EPR Studies of a Series of Spin Exchange Coupled Complexes Containing the (µ-Oxo)bis(µ-acetato)ruthenium-metal Core and Its Hydroxo-Bridged Analogue (Metal = V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) |
Hotzelmann, R.; Wieghardt, K.; Ensling, J.; Romstedt, H.; Gütlich, P.; Bill, E.; Flörke, U.; Haupt, H.-J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1992, 114, 9470 |
(197) | Cooperative Effects in the [Fe(mtz)6](BF4)2 Spincrossover System: Fine Tuning the Energy Gap |
Hinek, R.; Gütlich, P.; Hauser, A. Inorg. Chem. 1994, 33, 567 |
(198) | Conversion Electron Mössbauer Study of Low Carbon Steel Polarized in Aqueous Sulfate and Sulfite Containing Sulfate Solutions |
Vértes, Cs.; Lakatos-Varsányi, M.; Meisel, W.; Vértes, A.; Gütlich, P.; Kiss, L. Electrochimica Acta 1993, 38(2/3), 253 |
(199) | 57Fe Mössbauer-Studies on a-(FexCr1-x)2O3-Compounds |
Klinger, R.; Ensling, J.; Meisel, W.; Gütlich, P.; Jachow, H.; Schwab, E. J. Magn.Magn. Mat. 1995, 150, 277 |