(300a) |
Stark-Feld-Eisen(II)-Komplex konvertiert durch Licht in einen langlebigen High-Spin-Zustand |
F. Renz, H. Oshio, V. Ksenofontov, M. Waldeck, H. Spiering and P. Gütlich |
(300b) |
Strong field iron(II) complex converted by light into a long- lived high-spin state |
F. Renz, H. Oshio, V. Ksenofontov, M. Waldeck, H. Spiering and P. Gütlich |
(301) |
A new cylindrical, six-membered iron(III) inclusion cluster consisting of three oxo-bridged diiron subunits linked by carboxylate bridges |
T. Schneppensieper, G. Liehr, R. van Eldik, J. Ensling and P. Gütlich |
(302) |
Light-perturbed hysteresis in an iron(II) spin-crossover compound observed by the Mossbauer effect |
F. Renz, H. Spiering, H. A. Goodwin and P. Gütlich |
(303) |
Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of the New Mixed-Valent Iron Molybdate NaFe4(MoO4)5 |
Goga, M.; Waldeck, M.; Neuhausen, J.; Wahnes, C.; Ksenofontov, V.; Renz, F.; Ensling, J.; Gütlich, P.; Tremel, W. |
(304) |
Spin Transition Compounds |
P. Gütlich and H. A. Goodwin |
(305) |
Photo-Magnetism of Transition Metal Compounds |
P. Gütlich, Y. Garcia, P. J. van Koningsbruggen and F. Renz |
(306) |
A Study of Magnetic Properties of Layered Copper Hydroxide-Based Molecular Magnets Under Pressure |
G. Levchenko, V. Ksenofontov, V. Dulnev, H. Spiering, M. Drillon and P. Gütlich |
(307) |
Magnetic electronic structure of the CMR chalcospinel Fe0.5Cu0.5Cr2S4 |
O. Lang, C. Felser, R. Seshadri, F. Renz, J. M. Kiat, J. Ensling, P. Gütlich and W. Tremel |
(308) |
Pressure-induced high spin state in Fe(btr)(2)(NCS)(2) center dot H2O (btr=4,4 '-bis-1,2,4-triazole) |
Y. Garcia, V. Ksenofontov, G. Levchenko, G. Schmitt and P. Gütlich |
(309) |
Hybrid molecular magnets obtained by insertion of decamethyl- metallocenium cations into layered, bimetallic oxalate complexes: Z(III)CP(2)* (MMIII)-M-II(ox)(3) (Z(III) = Co, Fe; M-III = Cr, Fe; M-II = Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn; ox = oxalate; Cp* = pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) |
E. Coronada, J. R. Galan-Mascaros, C. J. Gomez-Garcia, J. Ensling and P. Gütlich |
(310) |
Hydroxo hydride complexes of iron and cobalt (Sn-Fe-Sn, Sn-Co- Sn): Probing agostic Sn center dot center dot center dot H-M interactions in solution and in the solid state |
J. J. Schneider, J. Hagen, N. Czap, C. Kruger, S. A. Mason, R. Bau, J. Ensling, P. Gütlich and B. Wrackmeyer |
(311) |
Electronic relaxation phenomena following Co-57(EC)Fe-57 nuclear decay in Mn-II(terpy)(2) (ClO4)(2)center dot(1)/2H2O and in the spin crossover complexes Co-II(terpy)(2) X-2 center dot nH(2)O (X = Cl and ClO4): A Mossbauer emission spectroscopic study |
H. Oshio, H. Spiering, V. Ksenofontov, F. Renz and P. Gütlich |
(312) |
Pressure effect on a novel spin transition polymeric chain compound |
Y. Garcia, V. Ksenofontov, G. Levchenko and P. Gütlich |
(313) |
Spin crossover phenomena in Fe(II) complexes |
P. Gütlich, Y. Garcia and H. A. Goodwin |
Chemical Society Reviews; 29 (2000) 6, 419-427 |
(314) |
Heat-capacity anomaly due to spin reorientation and thermodynamic functions of ErFeO3 and TmFeO3 |
K. Saito, Y. Yamamura, J. Mayer, H. Kobayashi, Y. Miyazaki, J. Ensling, P. Gütlich, B. Lesniewska and M. Sorai |
(315) |
Ti2Sn3: A novel binary intermetallic phase, prepared by chemical transport at intermediate temperature |
H. Kleinke, M. Waldeck and P. Gütlich |
(316) |
Dynamics of BF4- anion reorientation in the spin-crossover compound Fe(1-n-propyl-1H-tetrazole)(6) (BF4)(2) and in its Zn-II analogue |
M. Bokor, T. Marek, K. Tompa, P. Gütlich and A. Vertes |
(317a) |
Durch Temperatur, Druck oder Licht induzierter Spinübergang in einer supramolekularen Fe4II-[2x2]-Gitterverbindung |
E. Breuning, M. Ruben, J. M. Lehn, F. Renz, Y. Garcia, V. Ksenofontov, P. Gütlich, E. Wegelius and K. Rissanen |
(317b) |
Spin crossover in a supramolecular Fe-4(II) 2 x 2 grid triggered by temperature, pressure, and light |
E. Breuning, M. Ruben, J. M. Lehn, F. Renz, Y. Garcia, V. Ksenofontov, P. Gütlich, E. Wegelius and K. Rissanen |
(318) |
Pressure- and temperature-induced valence tautomeric interconversion in a o-dioxolene adduct of a cobalt- tetraazamacrocycle complex |
A. Caneschi, A. Dei, F. F. de Biani, P. Gütlich, V. Ksenofontov, G. Levchenko, A. Hoefer and F. Renz |
Chemistry-a European Journal; 7 (2001) 18, 3926-3930 |
(319) |
Mössbauer Spectroscopy |
P. Gütlich and J. Ensling |
(320) |
Carbon nanotube bags: Catalytic formation, physical properties, two-dimensional alignment and geometric structuring of densely filled carbon tubes |
J. J. Schneider, J. Engstler, S. Franzka, K. Hofmann, B. Albert, J. Ensling, P. Gütlich, P. Hildebrandt, S. Dopner, W. Pfleging, B. Gunther and G. Muller |
(321) |
New polynuclear 4,4 '-bis-1,2,4-triazole Fe(II) spin crossover compounds |
Y. Garcia, V. Ksenofontov and P. Gütlich |
(322) |
Photomagnetism of Molecular Systems |
P. Gütlich and Y. Garcia |
(323) |
Synthesis and Magnetic Behaviour of Iron(III) Liquid-Crystalline Spin-Crossover Complexes |
Y. Galyametdinov, A. Prosvirion, I. Ovchinnikov, V. Ksenofontov, G. Ivanova, P. Gütlich and W. Haase |
(324) |
Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial Applications of the Mössbauer Spectroscopy |
P. de Souza jr., G. Klingelhöfer and P. Gütlich |
(324) |
New highlights in spin crossover studies |
P. Gütlich |
(325) |
The stable diiron(2.5) complex ion (NC)(5)Fe(mu- tz)Fe(CN)(5) (5-), tz=1,2,4,5-tetrazine, and its neighboring oxidation states |
M. Glöckle, W. Kaim, A. Klein, E. Roduner, G. Hubner, S. Zalis, J. van Slageren, F. Renz and P. Gütlich |
(326) |
Synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties of a tris 3-(2- pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole iron(II) spin-crossover complex |
A. F. Stassen, M. de Vos, P. J. van Koningsbruggen, F. Renz, J. Ensling, H. Kooijman, A. L. Spek, J. G. Haasnoot, P. Gütlich and J. Reedijk |
(327) |
Photoswitchable coordination compounds |
P. Gütlich, Y. Garcia and T. Woike |
(328) |
Magnetic and spectroscopic studies of ferricenium tetrabromoferrate(III), Fe(C5H5)(2) (.+) FeBr4 (.-), a soft ferromagnet and its iodo analogue |
K. Padmakumar, T. Pradeep, J. Ensling, P. Gütlich and P. T. Manoharan |
(329) |
X-ray study of the light-induced metastable state of a spin- crossover compound |
J. Kusz, H. Spiering and P. Gütlich |
(330) |
Metallorganic routes to nanoscale iron and titanium oxide particles encapsulated in mesoporous alumina: Formation, physical properties, and chemical reactivity |
J. J. Schneider, N. Czap, J. Hagen, J. Engstler, J. Ensling, P. Gütlich, U. Reinoehl, H. Bertagnolli, F. Luis, L. J. de Jongh, M. Wark, G. Grubert, G. L. Hornyak and R. Zanoni |
(331) |
Spin Transition Phenomena |
P. Gütlich, Y. Garcia and H. Spiering |
(332) |
Pressure-induced spin state conversion in antiferromagnetically coupled Fe(II) dinuclear complexes |
V. Ksenofontov, A. B. Gaspar, J. A. Real and P. Gütlich |
(333) |
Proceedings of the Fifth Seeheim Workshop, held in Seeheim, Germany |
P. Gütlich, B. W. Fitzsimmons, R. Rüffer and H. Spiering |
(334) |
"Supramolecular" solid-state chemistry: Interpenetrating diamond-type frameworks of U4+ ions linked by S,S '-bidentate P2S62- molecular rods in UP4S12 |
C. Gieck, F. Rocker, V. Ksenofontov, P. Gütlich and W. Tremel |
(335) |
X-ray structure study of the light-induced metastable states of the spin-crossover compound Fe(mtz)(6) (BF4)(2) |
J. Kusz, H. Spiering and P. Gütlich |
(336) |
Large orbital moments and internal magnetic fields in lithium nitridoferrate(I) |
J. Klatyk, W. Schnelle, F. R. Wagner, R. Niewa, P. Novak, R. Kniep, M. Waldeck, V. Ksenofontov and P. Gütlich |
(337) |
First example of coexistence of thermal spin transition and liquid-crystal properties |
Y. Galyametdinov, V. Ksenofontov, A. Prosvirin, I. Ovchinnikov, G. Ivanova, P. Gütlich and W. Haase |
(338) |
Polarized neutron diffraction and Mossbauer spectral study of short-range magnetic correlations in the ferrimagnetic layered compounds (PPh4) (FeFeIII)-Fe-II(ox)(3) and (NBu4) (FeFeIII)-Fe-II(ox)(3) |
S. G. Carling, D. Visser, D. Hautot, I. D. Watts, P. Day, J. Ensling, P. Gütlich, G. J. Long and F. Grandjean |
(339) |
Direct monitoring of spin state in dinuclear iron(II) coordination compounds |
V. Ksenofontov, H. Spiering, S. Reiman, Y. Garcia, A. B. Gaspar, N. Moliner, J. A. Real and P. Gütlich |
(340) |
Pressure effect on temperature induced high-spin-low-spin phase transitions |
G. G. Levchenko, V. Ksenofontov, A. V. Stupakov, H. Spiering, Y. Garcia and P. Gütlich |
(341) |
Pressure effect on the magnetism of layered copper(II) compounds with interlayer spacing up to 40.7 angstrom: Nature of the magnetic ordering |
M. Drillon, P. Panissod, P. Rabu, J. Souletie, V. Ksenofontov and P. Gütlich |
(342) |
Mononuclear coordination compounds based on a novel chelating triazole ligand: 1-vinyl-3-acetylamino-1,2,4-triazole |
M. B. Bushuev, A. V. Virovets, Y. Garcia, C. Gieck, L. A. Sheludyakova, V. N. Ikorskii, W. Tremel, P. Gütlich and L. G. Lavrenova |
(343) |
Spin crossover in hexakis(1-(2-chloroethyl)-tetrazole)iron(II) complexes; synthesis and magnetic properties |
A. F. Stassen, E. Dova, R. Ensling, H. Schenk, P. Gütlich, J. G. Haasnoot and J. Reedijk |
(344) |
The miniaturized Mossbauer spectrometer MIMOS II for extraterrestrial and outdoor terrestrial applications: A status report |
G. Klingelhöfer, B. Bernhardt, J. Foh, U. Bonnes, D. Rodionov, P. A. De Souza, C. Schroder, R. Gellert, S. Kane, P. Gütlich and E. Kankeleit |
(345) |
Interplay of antiferromagnetic coupling and spin crossover in dinuclear iron(II) complexes |
A. B. Gaspar, V. Ksenofontov, H. Spiering, S. Reiman, J. A. Real and P. Gütlich |
(346) |
Stoichiometry of LiNiO2 studied by Mossbauer spectroscopy |
V. Ksenofontov, S. Reiman, D. Walcher, Y. Garcia, N. Doroshenko and P. Gütlich |
(347) |
Mössbauer Spectral Study of Two Layered Noneycomb Molecular Magnets: PPh4FeIIFeIII(ox)3 and NBu4FeIIFeIII(ox)3 |
D. Hautot, P. Day, G. J. Long, F. Grandjean, J. Ensling and P. Gütlich |
(348) |
Spin Crossover in Fe(II) Molecular Compounds - Mössbauer und mSR Investigations |
S. J. Campbell, V. Ksenofontov, Y. Garcia, J. S. Lord, S. Reiman and P. Gütlich |
(349) |
A spin transition molecular material with a wide bistability domain |
Y. Garcia, J. Moscovici, A. Michalowicz, V. Ksenofontov, G. Levchenko, G. Bravic, D. Chasseau and P. Gütlich |
(350) |
Untitled - Preface |
P. Gütlich |
(351) |
Determination of spin state in dinuclear iron(II) coordination compounds using applied field Mossbauer spectroscopy |
V. Ksenofontov, H. Spiering, S. Reiman, Y. Garcia, A. B. Gaspar, J. A. Real and P. Gütlich |
(352) |
K3Cr2(PS4)(3): A new chromium thiophosphate with a one- dimensional Cr-2(PS4)(3) (3-) anion chain |
V. Derstroff, J. Ensling, V. Ksenofontov, P. Gütlich and W. Tremel |
(353) |
Spin transition molecular materials: New sensors |
Y. Garcia, V. Ksenofontov and P. Gütlich |
(354) |
Portable and automatic Mossbauer analysis |
P. A. De Souza, V. K. Garg, G. Klingelhöfer, R. Gellert and P. Gütlich |
(355) |
Mossbauer spectroscopy under a magnetic field to explore the low-temperature spin structure of the layered ferrimagnetic material - {N(n-C4H9)(4) (FeFeIII)-Fe-II(C2O4)(3) }(infinity) |
A. Bhattacharjee, S. Reiman, V. Ksenofontov and P. Gütlich |
(356) |
Evaluation of nanosized iron in slurry-phase Fischer-Tropsch synthesis |
D. Mahajan, P. Gütlich, J. Ensling, K. Pandya, U. Stumm and P. Vijayaraghavan |
(357) |
Supramolecular spintronic devices: Spin transitions and magnetostructural correlations in (Fe4L4)-L-II (8+) 2 x 2 - grid-type complexes |
M. Ruben, E. Breuning, J. M. Lehn, V. Ksenofontov, F. Renz, P. Gütlich and G. B. M. Vaughan |
(358) |
In situ - High temperature Mossbauer spectroscopy of iron nitrides and nitridoferrates |
V. Ksenofontov, S. Reiman, M. Waldeck, R. Niewa, R. Kniep and P. Gütlich |
(359) |
Magnetic properties of quasi-2D antiferromagnet {N(n-C5H11)4[MnIIFeIII(ox)3]}m below Neel temperature: revisited |
A. Bhattacharjee and P. Gütlich |
(360) |
High-spin wheel of a heptanuclear mixed-valent Fe-II,Fe-III complex |
H. Oshio, N. Hoshino, T. Ito, M. Nakano, F. Renz and P. Gütlich |
(361) |
Anomalous Spin Transition Observed in Bis(2,6-bis(pyrazol-3-yl)pyridine)iron(II) Thiocyanate Dihydrate |
A. Bhattacharjee, V. Ksenofontov, K. H. Sugiyarto, H. A. Goodwin and P. Gütlich |
(362) |
Coexistence of spin-crossover and antiferromagnetic coupling phenomena in the novel dinuclear Fe(II) complex Fe(dpa) (NCS)(2) (2)bpym |
A. B. Gaspar, V. Ksenofontov, J. A. Real and P. Gütlich |
(363) |
Polymorphism and pressure driven thermal spin crossover phenomenon in Fe(abpt)(2)(NCX)(2) (X = S, and Se): Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties |
A. B. Gaspar, M. C. Munoz, N. Moliner, V. Ksenofontov, G. Levchenko, P. Gütlich and J. A. Real |
(364) |
Spin crossover properties of the Fe(PM-BiA)(2)(NCS)(2) complex - Phases I and II |
J. F. Letard, G. Chastanet, O. Nguyen, S. Marcen, M. Marchivie, P. Guionneau, D. Chasseau and P. Gütlich |
(365) |
A new valence tautomerism example in an electroactive ferrocene substituted triphenylmethyl radical |
I. Ratera, D. Ruiz-Molina, F. Renz, J. Ensling, K. Wurst, C. Rovira, P. Gütlich and J. Veciana |
(366) |
The role of nano-sized iron particles in slurry phase Fischer- Tropsch synthesis |
D. Mahajan, P. Gütlich and U. Stumm |
(367) |
Electronic Spin Crossover |
P. Gütlich and H. A. Goodwin |
(368) |
Excited Spin State Trapping (LIESST, NIESST) |
A. Hauser and P. Gütlich |
(369) |
Pressure-induced electron transfer in ferrimagnetic Prussian blue analogs |
V. Ksenofontov, G. Levchenko, S. Reiman, P. Gütlich, A. Bleuzen, V. Escax and M. Verdaguer |
(370) |
Muon Spin Rotation and Mössbauer Investigationsof the Spin Transition in [Fe(ptz)6](ClO)4 |
S.J. Campbell, V. Ksenofontov, Y. Garcia, J.S. Lord, Y. Boland and P. Gütlich |
( 371 ) |
Large negative magnetoresi stance effects in Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al. |
T. Block, C. Felser, G. Jakob, J. Ensling, B. Muhling, P. Gütlich, R. J. Cava |
(372) |
Surface analysis in archaeology using the miniaturized Mossbauer spectrometer MIMOS II |
P. A. De Souza, B.Bernhardt, G. Klingelöfer, P. Gütlich |
(373) |
Mössbauer spectroscopy: A powerful tool in molecular magnetism. |
P. Gütlich |
(374) |
Magnetic and spectroscopic studies of ferricenium tetrabromoferrate(III), Fe(C5H5)(2)(.+) FeBr4 (.-), a soft ferromagnet and its iodo analogue |
K. Padmakumar, T. Pradeep, J. Ensling, P. Gütlich, P. T. Manoharan |
(375) |
Magnetic properties of quasi-2D antiferromagnet {N(n-C5H11)(4) (MnFeIII)-Fe-II(ox)(3) }(infinity) below Neel temperature: revisited. |
A. Bhattacharjee, and P. Gütlich |
(376) |
An inorganic double helix sheathing alkali metal cations: ANb(2)P(2)S(12) (A=K, Rb, Cs), a series of thiophosphates close to the metal-nonmetil boundary - Chalcogenide analogues of transition-metal phosphate bronzes? |
C. Gieck, V. Derstroff, T. Block, C. Felser, G. Regelsky, O. Jepsen, V. Ksenofontov, P. Gütlich, H. Eckert, W. Tremel |
(377) |
Synthese und Strukturen neuer Eisen-Sauerstoff-Alkoxid-Cluster |
M. Veith, F. Grätz, V. Huch, P. Gütlich, J. Ensling |
(378) |
Pressure effect studies in molecular magnetism |
P. G¨tlich, A. B. Gaspar, V. Ksenofontov, Y. Garcia |
(379) |
Pressure effect on spin crossover in Fe(phen)(2)(NCS)(2) and CrI2(depe)(2) |
V. Ksenofontov, A. B. Gaspar, G. Levchenko, B. Fitzsimmons, P. Gütlich |
(380) |
On the nature of the plateau in two-step dinuclear spin-crossover complexes. |
V. Ksenofontov, A. B. Gaspar, V. Niel, S. Reiman, J. A. Real, P. Gütlich |
(381) |
The deformation tensor epsilon of the spin transition in the mixed crystal Fe0.46Zn0.54(ptz)(6)(BF4)(2) |
J. Kusz, H. Spiering and P. Gütlich |
(382) |
Mineralogy at Gusev crater from the Mossbauer spectrometer on the Spirit rover. |
V. Morris, G. Klingelhöfer, B. Bernhardt, C. Schröder, D. S. Rodionov, P. A. de Souza, A. Yen, R. Gellert, E. N. Evlanov, J. Foh, E. Kankeleit, P. Gütlich, D. W. Ming, F. Renz, T. Wdowiak, S. W. Squyres, R. E. Arvidson |
(383) |
Bipyrimidine-bridged dinuclear iron(II) spin crossover compounds, in Spin Crossover in Transition Metal Compounds |
J. A. Real, A. B.Gaspar, M. C. Munoz, P. Gütlich, V. Ksenofontov, H. Spiering |
(384) |
Synthesis, X-ray structure and magnetic properties of the azido adducts of quadridentate Schiff base manganese(III) complexes |
S. Saha, D. Mal, S. Koner, A. Bhattacharjee, P. Gütlich, S. Mondal, M. Mukherjee, K. I. Okamoto |
Polyhedron; 23(10) (2004) , 1811-1817 |
(385) |
Spin Crossover in Transition Metal Compounds - 3 Volumes |
P. Gütlich and H.A. Goodwin (Editors) |
(386) |
Spin Crossover - An Overall Perspective |
P. Gütlich and H.A. Goodwin |
(387) |
Thermal spin crossover in Mn(II), Mn(III), Cr(II) and Co(III) coordination compounds |
Y. Garcia and P. Gütlich |
(388) |
Nuclear-decay-induced excited spin trapping |
P. Gütlich |
(389) |
Pressure effect studies on spin crossover and valence tautomeric systems |
V. Ksenofontov, A. B. Gaspar, P. Gütlich |
(390) |
Structural investigations of tetrazole complexes of iron(II) |
J. Kusz, P. Gütlich, H. Spiering |
(391) |
Recent Advances in Spin Crossover Research |
P. Gütlich, P. van Koningsbruggen, F. Renz |
(392) |
Jarosite and Hematite at Meridiani Planum from Opportunityâs Mössbauer Spectrometer |
G. Klingelhöfer, R. V. Morris, B. Bernhardt, C. Schröder, D. S. Rodionov, P. A. de Souza, A. Yen, R. Gellert, E. N. Evlanov, B. Zubkov, J. Foh, U. Bonnes, E. Kankeleit, P. Gütlich, D. W. Ming, F. Renz, T. Wdowiak, S. W. Squyres, R. E. Arvidson |
(393) |
Magneto-structural correlations in self-assembled spin-transition nano-architectures of the [Fe4IIL4]n+ [2x2]-grid-type |
M. Ruben, E. Breunig, J.-M. Lehn, V. Ksenofontov, P. Gütlich, G. Vaughan |
(394) |
Muon Spin Relaxation Study of the Spin Transition Compound [Fe(Phen)2(NCS)2] |
Y. Garcia, V. Ksenofontov, S. J. Campbell, J.S. Lord, Y. Boland, P. Gütlich |
(395) |
Spin transition in [Fe(phen)2(NCS)2 - µSR study |
Y. Garcia, V. Ksenofontov, S.J. Campbell, J.S. Lord, Y. Booland, P. Gütlich |
(396) |
A novel dinuclear fell spin-crossover complex based on a 2,2-bipyrimidine bridge ligand: [Fe(CH(3)bipy)(NCS)(2)](2)bpym |
A.B. Gaspar, V. Ksenofontov, V. Martinez, M.C. Munoz, J.A. Real, P. Gütlich |
(397) |
Hierarchical self-assembly of supramolecular spintronic modules into 1D-and 2D-architectures with emergence of magnetic properties |
M. Ruben, U. Ziener, J.M. Lehn, V. Ksenofontov, P. Gütlich, G.B.M. Vaughan |
(397) |
Hierarchical self-assembly of supramolecular spintronic modules into 1D-and 2D-architectures with emergence of magnetic properties |
M. Ruben, U. Ziener, J.M. Lehn, V. Ksenofontov, P. Gütlich, G.B.M. Vaughan |
(398) |
Electronic, vibrational, and structural properties of a spin-crossover catecholato-iron system in the solid state: Theoretical study of the electronic nature of the doublet and sextet states |
A.J. Simaan, M.L. Boillot, R. Carrasco, J. Cano, J.J. Girerd, T.A. Mattioli, J. Ensling, H. Spiering, P. Gütlich |
(399) |
Spin crossover of ferric complexes with catecholate derivatives. Single-crystal X-ray structure, Magnetic and Mossbauer investigations |
S. Floquet, A.J. Simaan, E. Riviere, M. Nierlich, P. Thuery, J. Ensling, P. Gütlich, J.J. Girerd, M. L. Boillot |